Cable TV - Hassel-free, Satellite-less Patented Technology

OOHMP TV you to start your own channel on shoe string budget. This is a TV channel network solution in broadband. This product is based on new push TV technology that does not need satellite license to run.

This product based on content push technology which is most suited for local news and information channels, music channels or entertainment channels that are run by local MSOs /LCOs but controlled by news/content owners and aggregators.

This product is a mix of IPTV and Video-on-Demand (VOD) and is not dependent on telecom carriers. It allows channel owners to run a channel on low investment as it does not need satellite license to run.        Click here for Demo


It is a central content server based solution that pushes the content to Playouts at the MSOs. Since every Playout has a unique ID, each MSO playout can run different content depending on the playlist pushed from the Server. The final output has Video, Graphics and text based news ticker.


Playout Box

  • Play content as per the playlist published by the content server
  • Switch between live and recorded feeds from the web module
  • Capability to display Multi-lingual content
  • Send back as-run log of videos and images that are played
  • Capable of changing content graphics on the fly
  • Completely controlled by the content owner
  • Send back ON/OFF status as well as available space status to the server.
  • Provide details of content available on the box
  • Helps server to push only incremental content from the server
  • Each playout box has an unique-id can play same or different content
  • Content aggregators can have co-branding with MSOs


The OOHMP TV server will store content and synchronize with the MSOs and the LSOs based on the group to which they belong.

This Server software can be installed either at the client premises with high backend internet bandwidth like 20 mbps or above as all the boxes will seek connection with this server.

Data Center located anywhere in the world if you do not want to worry about server hardware and managing it. For this you need to have high upload bandwidth like 4 mbps.

Various web modules and login will allow users to create and publish rundowns for various channels.


The video playlist is created at the central control station and published on the server. The published playlist is downloaded by the OOHMP TV Player box according to the selection at the Server end. Once the playlist is downloaded by the Player the content is downloaded by as per the playlist. The downloaded content plays as per the playlist.


Unlike IPTV there is no need to stream content continuously from the server and hence there is no need of sustained data bandwidth at the OOHMP playout box. This reduces the cost of operation. OOHMP playout box still has the capability of playing live stream. So whenever there is a live stream, the playout box can switch to live streaming remotely from the web module.

This is a carrier independent operation. It works with wired LAN environment and wireless wi-fi/wi-max and 3G connection as well.

Video Content is centrally controlled Image and text content can be centrally as well as locally controlled.

Helps content owners create central and local revenue streams.

No need to have satellite uplink and downlink license where you can be operational within a month after you decide. Works anywhere in the world without the need for multiple hopping satellites.

Same content dubbed in multiple languages can be played in different regions simultaneously without worrying about different satellite frequency for different language.

Major selling point

Different Player boxes can run different advertisements at the same time. Let us say for an example let us talk about lower middle class locality and upper class locality. Lower middle class people have much lower purchasing power compared to Upper class so same advertisement in the same time period may not have similar impact on both the classes. A motorbike or Maruti Alto advert will make sense with lower middle class whereas a BMW, Volkswagen advert will make more sense to upper class at the same time slots. This increases the spectrum of advertising and helps create more revenue in the time slot.